Sala La Mirona

Listings for Sala La Mirona

Carrer d'Amnistia Internacional, s/n, 17190 Salt, Girona, España, Salt


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Prior events Sala La Mirona

Love of Lesbian en Girona

Sala La Mirona, Salt

Sala La Mirona

Carrer d'Amnistia Internacional, s/n, 17190 Salt, Girona, España, Salt1

1NOTE: approximate address. The only address that is completely valid is the one shown on the tickets

El Drogas + Vacas Sagradas + Motörhits - In-Somni

Sala La Mirona, Salt

Sala La Mirona

Carrer d'Amnistia Internacional, s/n, 17190 Salt, Girona, España, Salt1

1NOTE: approximate address. The only address that is completely valid is the one shown on the tickets

Oktober Oi! Fest

Sala La Mirona, Salt

Sala La Mirona

Carrer d'Amnistia Internacional, s/n, 17190 Salt, Girona, España, Salt1

1NOTE: approximate address. The only address that is completely valid is the one shown on the tickets


Sala La Mirona, Salt

Sala La Mirona

Carrer d'Amnistia Internacional, s/n, 17190 Salt, Girona, España, Salt1

1NOTE: approximate address. The only address that is completely valid is the one shown on the tickets

Wolves Nights - Manuel Turizio, en Salt (Girona)

Sala La Mirona, Salt

Sala La Mirona

Carrer d'Amnistia Internacional, s/n, 17190 Salt, Girona, España, Salt1

1NOTE: approximate address. The only address that is completely valid is the one shown on the tickets